
Pokemon Go Catch 20 Luvdisc

Pokémon Go Valentine's Solar day 2022 event: Collection Challenges, field research tasks, event spawns and bonuses explained

Love is in the air!

Valentine's 24-hour interval 2022 is a decorated outcome in Pokémon Go!

Not only does this Valentine'southward Mean solar day consequence see the release of three new Pokémon - Flabébé, Floette and Florges - but there are two Valentine's Day Drove Challenges for you to complete.

You tin besides collect Valentine'southward 24-hour interval outcome field enquiry tasks, aslope enjoying the issue bonuses and catching Pokémon like Furfrou which are appearing more frequently in the wild.

On this page:

  • Valentine'southward Twenty-four hours Collection Challenge 1 Listing in Pokémon Become
  • Valentine's Solar day Drove Challenge 2 List in Pokémon Go
  • Field enquiry tasks for the Valentine'due south Day consequence in Pokémon Go
  • Valentine'south Mean solar day 2022 event spawns and bonuses in Pokémon Get
  • How the Valentine's Day Collection Challenges work in Pokémon Become
Communicable Pheromosa at Go Fest Berlin 2022 in Pokémon Get.

Valentine's Day Drove Claiming 1 Listing in Pokémon Get

The Valentine'south Day Collection Challenge ane tasks yous with catching four Pokemon during the current Pokémon Go event.

Call back - y'all must complete this claiming before Monday, 14th February at 8pm (local time) if you want to earn its rewards.

Here are the Pokémon in the Valentine's Day Drove Challenge one:

  • Luvdisc (In the wild
  • Woobat (In the wild)
  • Plusle (In the wild)
  • Volbeat (In the wild)

Completing this Collection Challenge volition advantage y'all with 2000 XP, 2000 Stardust and a Male Frillish run into.

Valentine'southward Day Collection Challenge 2 Listing in Pokémon Become

For the Valentine's Day Collection Challenge ii, you lot need to catch four different Pokémon before Monday, 14th Feb at 8pm (local time). If you don't complete this Collection Challenge by this deadline, y'all won't be able to collect its rewards.

Below y'all can find the Pokémon in the Valentine's Mean solar day Drove Challenge 2:

  • Luvdisc (In the wild and field enquiry chore - Catch v Pokémon)
  • Furfrou - Natural Form (In the wild and i-star raids)
  • Minum (In the wild)
  • Illumise (In the wild)

Completing this Collection Challenge volition reward you with 2000 XP, 2000 Stardust and a Female Frillish encounter.

Field research tasks for the Valentine'south Day outcome in Pokémon Go

During the Valentine'due south Day event in 2022, you tin can collect a choice of event field research tasks in Pokémon Go by spinning PokéStops. These tasks can be saved in your field research chore collection and completed in one case the event ends.

Yet, since some of the Pokémon encounters y'all receive are useful for the Collection Challenges listed above, we recommend completing these field enquiry tasks during the event.

Here are the Valentine's Twenty-four hours 2022 issue field research tasks:

  • Catch 5 Pokémon advantage - Luvdisc encounter
  • Take hold of 20 Luvdisc advantage - Alomomola encounter
  • Apply 5 Berries to help catch Pokémon reward - Ralts encounter
  • Brand v Great Curveball Throws in a row advantage - Spinda (Heart Pattern) come across
  • Earn three hearts with your buddy reward - Pikachu or Eevee run into
  • Win a raid reward - Male or female Frillish see

Thank you to redwineandbeer from reddit for the help with this information.

Valentine'southward Twenty-four hour period 2022 event spawns and bonuses in Pokémon Go

At that place are 3 bonuses running throughout the Valentine's Day 2022 upshot in Pokémon Become, including your buddy Pokémon bringing items to yous more often and the elapsing for Lure Modules doubling.

The best bonus, however, is that you'll receive double catch candy throughout the issue. This is incredibly useful if you're trying to evolve any of the Pokémon appearing more oftentimes during the event or are collecting candy for Gen 2 Pokémon in preparation for Get Tour: Johto.

Bated from the bonuses, the other main attraction for Valentine'southward Day 2022 is the release of Flabébé and its evolutions - Floette and Florges. These fairy-type Pokémon hail from Gen 6 and you lot'll have to meet a special requirement if you wish to evolve Floette into Florges.

Flabébé, Floette and Florges can now be defenseless in Pokémon Go.

Flabébé has five different flower colours to collect, some of which are regionally exclusive, and volition be appearing more frequently in the wild alongside the following Pokémon:

  • Chansey
  • Miltank
  • Plusle
  • Minun
  • Volbeat
  • Illumise
  • Luvdisc
  • Woobat
  • Audino
  • Alomomola
  • Furfrou - Natural Grade
Natural Form Furfrou.

The Heart Trim for Furfuro is too bachelor for the kickoff time during the Valentine's Day 2022 result and, if you lot detect the correct field research tasks, you'll also have the chance to take hold of Heart Pattern Spinda.

Both Gardevoir and Gallade have a special bonus during this year's Valentine's Day effect besides! If you evolve a Kirlia into either of these Pokémon during the issue, the resulting Pokémon will learn the Charged Assault Sychronoise.

Gardevoir and Gallade will also be appearing in three-star raids throughout the upshot, aslope Nidoqueen, Nidoking and Lickitung. Meanwhile, in i-star raids, y'all'll find Miltank, Roselia, Audino and Natural Form Furfrou. Registeel is currently ruling five-star raids and Mega Houndoom can be fought in Mega Raids.

Finally, there's a Global Valentines Challenge running until Tuesday, 15th February at the post-obit times:

  • UK - 8am (GMT)
  • Europe - 9am (CEST)
  • East Coast Usa - 3am (EST)
  • W Coast US - 12am (PST)

If Pokémon Go players collectively send lxx,000,000 Gifts during this time period, everyone will enjoy a triple transfer candy bonus until the borderline above.

The Season of Go has arrived! The 6th Anniversary is hither, which includes the return of Zapdos. While Go Fest 2022 may be behind us, at that place are however three special inquiry quests you might exist working on - Pokémon Become Fest 2022, Rhi'south Arrival and A Radiant Globe. This season has also seen the lowering of the requirement for Processed XL and introduced the get-go Ultra Beast, Nihilego.

How the Valentine's Day Collection Challenges piece of work in Pokémon Go

The Valentine'due south 24-hour interval 2022 event Collection Challenges, along with the other bonuses, will merely be available between Thursday, tenth Feb to Monday, 14th February at 8pm (local fourth dimension).

Like previous Drove Challenges, yous need to obtain a specific list of Pokémon through either catching them in the wild or some other method, such as evolutions or trading. One time the Collection Challenge is completed, you'll receive a reward and it will be added to your Elite Collector medal.

Drove Challenges can be constitute in the 'Today View' screen, which is accessed by pressing the field research button - the little binoculars - in the lesser right-paw corner of the screen. Y'all may accept to scroll to the left if you've been looking at the field or special research screens.

When y'all catch a Pokémon on the Drove Claiming roster it volition be ticked off this list, helping you continue track of which ones you lot're missing.

The Pokémon will be ticked for the Drove Challenge list as you take hold of them.

Retrieve - you lot just have until 8pm (local time) on Monday, 14th February to complete the two Valentine's Solar day 2022 Collection Challenges.

Hope you lot bask the Valentine's Day consequence and find a Flabébé!

Pokemon Go Catch 20 Luvdisc,


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